Sunday, August 30, 2009

Vincent Van Gogh in action!

More sensitive than GI Joe ... more artistic than Superman ... it's Vincent Van Gogh! This isn't really ours, but we had it for the weekend (long story). So I decided to have a little fun with the late Dutch-born artist in the back yard.

1. and 2. added bandage after the poor guy did *something* to his ear.
3. Little swinging for Vin.
4. He needed to take a little, uh, "break" and couldn't make it inside.
5. That's not Photoshopped, people. His little head pops off and flies into the air. Found out later it's because the original set came with two interchangeable heads (one with a bandage on his ear). Freaky!
6. VVG takes control of a large green rabbit.

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