Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My business philosophy

My mission statement posted on my main Web site states that I will provide:

Obsessive attention to detail
Tremendous customer service
Overall client satisfaction
Stellar images

Get it? It spells out P-H-O-T-O-S. Yeah, I know. Please don't roll your eyes like that!

To flesh out my mission, I figured I would share my business philosophy on customer service.

The ultimate customer service is:
1. Knowing your craft/business well.
2. Delivering a stellar final product/service every time.
3. Knowing how to treat people.

If someone can't perform the first and second items, they are failing on the third. If they fail on the third, then the first two don't matter as much. Doing right by customers has to include all three simultaneously. For my photography business, that means I know what I'm doing with my camera and my techniques and I understand beforehand what my clients' expectations are. It means always delivering on my word, no excuses, no matter the time, place, weather, lighting or drama. It means treating everyone with honesty, respect and professionalism, all the time.

But even more than that, I want my business to be fun for me and my clients. Currently I do my work on location, which lends a more natural, spontaneous look to the images.

Children's portrait sessions resemble a play date more than a typical "picture-taking session." This is done by the child being allowed to be a kid, in their own environment or one that feels comfortable and fosters fun. They can bring along toys, or I can supply a few fun props to use in the images.

Family portrait sessions are more like a fun outing rather than a chore. It's about the relationships and interactions, being natural and letting loose. Capturing who the family members are and how they shape the family as a whole.

Engagement portrait sessions are like a date, a stroll in the park ... a fun, relaxing time!

Weddings are a different animal altogether. My confidence and organization during the day is more important than having fun, although I find the pressure invigorating and fun anyway. Attending a couple's special day is like a pep rally for romance. Go marriage! Yay!

I want to learn more about you! Please leave a comment here or fill out a contact form here. Let's have some fun!

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