Thursday, February 25, 2010

Countertop Hot Rods

I've always loved Hot Wheels cars. What's not to love? Bright colors, stunning design and the promise of speed, all for less than $1. Now that I'm a father, my kids continue to enjoy the cars I played with as well as new ones of their own. These are straightforward hot-rod models, but I love the cleverness that goes into the artistry and naming of some of Hot Wheels' cars. My dream job? To work with the team that comes up with the latest designs.

Photo details: I photographed both of these cars on my kitchen counter with a 100 f/2.8 macro lens, which lets me get in close and produce 1:1 ratio of object-to-image. Mounted on a tripod, I used a small LED flashlight to add some highlights and shadow. Shutter was at 1/8th of a second, f/20, and ISO 800.

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