Friday, February 27, 2009

Pining for my little rectangle of plastic

No, not a credit card! My laptop is at the repair shop, and it was hard to realize how much I depended on it to get work done (among other things). Some of my work has come to a dead stop, which isn't a good thing at all.

It was sent off from a retail store on Monday. According to the online support site, as well as the supplied FedEx tracking number, my laptop is actually back in Texas now, delivered to the store and probably lonely and cold, sealed in its packaging. But when I called the store, it had not been "officially checked in." What, are you going to throw a party for it? I want it back yesterday. Still no phone call or e-mail letting me know it's ready, either.

But on the bright side, I guess it was an easy or routine fix. That's good. I am in no position to buy a new laptop right now, even though several shiny, expensive ones beckoned to me as I left the store.

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