Wednesday, August 13, 2008


There are opportunities to photograph the people, places and things that make up our world every minute of the day. With digital cameras, trial and error is painless and instant, so that we can grow more quickly. This isn't to say that the pleasures of exposing film, developing it and printing photos isn't a thrill. There are few things photographically satisfying as seeing an image come to life as you gently rock the print in Dektol. But let's face it, fewer people are taking that time and effort. The chemicals alone are reason to stick to electronic imaging. Not to mention the many pairs of jeans I ruined after accidentally splashing them with developer.

Not every photo has to be a fine art piece. Sometimes a moment in time is worth a snapshot, even if it falls short technically. But when the moments count, hire a trustworthy professional to get the job done. Photography is more than simply pushing a button. It's years of study and practice, an artistic eye, and yes, a boatload of expensive equipment.

You can tell I wasn't thinking high art when I took the above shots of dinner. I fired up the grill to char some meat for our meals the rest of the week. The first is of mozzarella-stuffed grilled chicken and hot dogs. The second is bacon-wrapped grilled mini steaks. The last, uh, is when I got a little lazy and combined the "side dishes" that will go along with our tasty treats. Food photography is a science, one that I am not skilled in at this point. But I can eat!

Being hungry isn't just about food. It's about finding a passion and chasing it with excitement and enthusiasm. That's where my photography comes in. It's not only about taking pictures, it's about meeting new people and telling their stories through images. Here, I'll share some words with those images, whether of the wonderful people who are my clients or just a few takes of my active kids. I hope you will be able to savor the images as much as I do.

The photo that currently serves as the blog heading (it will change frequently) is of my oldest son with a few of his favorite toys. After capturing it, I used Photoshop to add some motion effects to the cars. It's an effect I'm still tweaking, and I hope to use it, along with classic posing, for clients in the near future. What do you think?

Thank you for stopping by!


Todd said...

Testing comments feature.

Mrs. Case said...

Now you must share the recipe for the mozarella-stuffed chicken. It looks scrumptious!