Monday, April 20, 2009

Always have a camera handy ... don't always use it

Here's my youngest after a long day of play. I took it a month or so ago (on a day it was cold enough to wear long sleeves). The image shows one reason why it's a great idea for anyone, especially parents and grandparents, to have a camera close at hand most of the time.

But there are also times when it's just better to leave your camera where it lies. And that's because putting anything in front of your face can get in the way of simply having a good time. The last time we visited the beach a year ago, I had a lot of fun with my camera during the entire trip except for one day: the one day we actually went out to play in the water, I left it in the motel room on purpose. I knew worrying about saltwater and sand getting into the lens or camera body would ruin my fun. I wanted to be able to keep up with whichever kid wanted my attention. And it was an awesome time.

Sure, I'd love to have a few photos from the two hours we were out there. But I made up for it on other parts of the trip. I know I made the right choice to just be Daddy for awhile.

As summer vacations beckon, take your camera along. But don't forget to put it away now and then!

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