Why not? Because at its essence, much of photography aims to capture the uniqueness and glory of God's creations. That includes the people He created in His own image, the natural wonders that grace terra firma or the painted skies that neither film nor digital sensors can capture with realistic justice. God doesn't need Photoshop. And fortunately for us, His love is enduring and He speaks to us through the God-inspired instruction manual of life that is so readily available. The Bible is tons more understandable than a how-to guide for Photoshop, too!
For my work, I use Photoshop to attempt to enhance images I capture with my camera (the above photo was simply cropped). The photos of old cars I took recently have adjustments to color saturation and contrast, mainly to give them a grittier feel. I also "burned" in areas of a few of them to render parts of the images darker and (to me) make them more interesting.
In my life, I strive to apply God's Word to the way I live. Not always easy, but always worth it. His saving grace, though his son Jesus Christ, is available to all who accept Him as their savior. John 3:16: "For God so loved the world what He gave his only begotten son, so that all who believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life." I don't have all the answers, but if you have questions, let me know!
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